• Commercial Tank-less Water Heaters are popular by their ability to heat water effectively and efficiently. These heaters come in different sizes and models such as Free-standing, Wall Mounted, Wall Hanging, Condensing, indoor and outdoor. A scheduled and on-time Tune-Up, Maintenance and/or Repair will help your water heater work adequately and efficiently without the headache of time-consuming and costly repairs which most probably will affect the running of your business as well.

At A.M.C, we will make sure you find a hot water solution to fit your business and budget that you will enjoy for years to come. With our preventative Tune-up and Maintenance services, 24/7 we will make sure that your hot water system is running continuously and efficiently. Commercial Tank-less Water Heaters, require scheduled Tune-up and Maintenance to avoid shut-off and ensure adequate and proper performance. They need maintenance and tune-up at least once a year, but you may need to get your water heater checked twice a year if the area you live in has hard water and/or your water heater is set to a high temperature


Signs that your Commercial Tank-less Water Heater needs attention by our experts:

*The water is not getting hot

*The age of your tank-less unit

*Any signs of rust or corrosion

*Sings of water and leakage around your tank-less system

*The display screen shows an error code

Our services:

* Commercial Tank-less Water Heater maintenance

* Commercial Tank-less Water Heater repair

* Commercial Tank-less Water Heater replacement

* Commercial Tank-less Water Heater safety check

* Commercial Tank-less Water Heater diagnostics and issue addressing

* 24/7 Support by fully-licensed technicians

* Commercial Tank-less Water Heater Retrofitting